I thought I’d worked out the best diary set up for me. After a couple of weeks I realised it was going to be a lot harder than I thought. I now understand what people mean about reaching Filofax nirvana.
I’ve traded in my day-on-two-pages set up for some new DIY week-on-two-pages refills. I wanted something basic but wasn’t sure what fonts to use. I googled Kate Spade fonts as I’m a big fan of Kate Spade and the branding. Lo and behold! I found out exactly what fonts they use: Baskerville (used in all lower case letters) and Futura (used in all capital letters)! I downloaded some diary refills from Philofaxy and swapped the fonts over.
It’s been going well for the past couple of days. I’m aiming to write less on individual days by having separate pages for other stuff like what blog posts I write each day on Confetti Avenue.
I’ve often found myself surrounded by heavily reduced makeup thinking do I have that colour? I have the solution: a Filofax makeup catalogue.
Something else I’ve found annoying is coming across a book that I want to read and saying to myself yeah I’ll remember that then obviously I don’t. So I made a book list! I know this isn’t anything groundbreakingly new in the Filofax world but I’ve been finding this useful just in the past couple of days! (I need to reprint it).